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NLIS Tags NSW is a comprehensive system for the identification and traceability of livestock in New South Wales. The system, also known as the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), is designed to ensure the integrity of the livestock industry by providing accurate and up-to-date information about the movement of sheep, goats, and cattle.

National livestock identification system NLIS


Welcome to NLIS Tags NSW! Here, we provide information and resources regarding NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) tags for livestock in New South Wales.

What is NLIS?

NLIS stands for National Livestock Identification System, which is a comprehensive livestock identification and traceability system implemented in Australia. It is designed to enhance the integrity, biosecurity, and market access of livestock by allowing for accurate identification and tracking of individual animals throughout their movement within the country.

NLIS Tags for Sheep and Goat

In New South Wales, NLIS tags are mandatory for sheep and goat identification and movement. Every sheep or goat must be identified with an NLIS accredited ear tag before being moved, including movements for breeding, slaughter, or any other purposes. These visually readable ear tags are printed with a property identification code to ensure proper traceability.

NLIS Tags for Cattle

In addition to sheep and goats, NLIS tags are also available for cattle. Just like with sheep and goats, NLIS tags are a crucial part of the cattle identification and traceability scheme in Australia.

How to Comply with NLIS Requirements

To comply with NLIS requirements in New South Wales, it is necessary to accredit with the NLIS database. This can be done through the Department of Primary Industries. The NLIS how-to guide for moving livestock provides detailed information on how to identify and tag animals correctly.

The Importance of NLIS

By utilizing NLIS tags, the integrity of the livestock industry is improved through the effective identification and traceability of animals. NLIS ensures that the movement of livestock can be accurately documented and tracked, allowing for quick response in the event of disease outbreaks or other biosecurity concerns.

Benefits of NLIS Tags

Using NLIS tags provides several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced biosecurity measures
  • Improved market access
  • Better traceability of livestock
  • Facilitated compliance with regulatory requirements

Get Started with NLIS Tags NSW

If you are a livestock breeder or involved in the movement of sheep, goats, or cattle in New South Wales, it is essential to understand and comply with NLIS requirements. Access ISC's NLIS how-to guide and ensure the proper identification and traceability of your livestock today!

Q: What are NLIS Tags NSW?

A: NLIS Tags NSW refers to the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) tags used in New South Wales (NSW). NLIS tags are ear tags that are used to identify and trace livestock, such as sheep and goats.

Q: What is the purpose of NLIS Tags?

A: The purpose of NLIS Tags is to ensure the integrity of livestock movement and to assist in the identification and tracing of livestock. It is a scheme that helps in maintaining Australia's reputation as a producer of high-quality livestock.

Q: What is NLIS Ear?

A: NLIS Ear refers to the ear tag that is used in the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS). NLIS Ear tags are visually readable ear tags that are printed with a property identification code (PIC).

Q: What are the requirements for sheep and goats when they move?

A: When sheep and goats move, they are required to have NLIS Tags applied to them. These tags must be NLIS accredited devices and comply with the NLIS requirements for sheep and goats.

Q: What is an NLIS accredited device?

A: An NLIS accredited device refers to a device that has been approved and registered by NLIS as meeting the required standards for identifying and tracing livestock. For example, NLIS Ear tags can be considered as NLIS accredited devices.

Q: What is a Property Identification Code (PIC)?

A: A Property Identification Code (PIC) is a unique code that is assigned to a property where livestock are kept. This code is used in NLIS to identify the property where the livestock originated from or are being moved onto or off.

Q: What is the NLIS database?

A: The NLIS database is a central database that holds information about livestock movements in the NLIS. It is used to track and trace livestock to ensure their integrity and to maintain accurate records.

Q: What is RFID?

A: RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify and track objects, in this case, livestock. NLIS Tags often use RFID technology to enable easy and efficient tracking of livestock movements.

Q: What is a movement document?

A: A movement document is a document that is used to record the movement of livestock. It contains information such as the origin and destination of the livestock, the type and number of livestock being moved, and other relevant details.

Q: What are mob-based NLIS Tags?

A: Mob-based NLIS Tags refer to NLIS Tags that are applied to a group of animals, known as a mob. Instead of individually tagging each animal, a single tag is used to identify the entire mob. This can be more efficient and cost-effective for larger groups of livestock.


Welcome to a comprehensive guide on NLIS Tags in NSW. The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is an essential tool for the livestock industry in New South Wales (NSW) and across Australia to ensure the traceability and biosecurity of sheep, goats, and cattle. In this article, we will explore the significance of NLIS tags, the requirements for livestock owners in NSW, and how the system works to safeguard the integrity of the industry.


In NSW, NLIS tags play a crucial role in the identification and tracing of livestock. Whether you own sheep, goats, or cattle, NLIS tags are mandatory for all movements and transactions involving these animals. The NLIS database, managed by the Department of Primary Industries, stores the information related to each animal, including its history, movements, and ownership details.

When it comes to NLIS tags, there are specific requirements for sheep and goats compared to cattle. For sheep and goats, NLIS tags need to be visually readable ear tags printed with a property identification code (PIC). On the other hand, NLIS tags for cattle are usually RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags that are attached to the animal's ear.

From 1 January 2022, all sheep and goats in NSW are required to be identified with an NLIS-accredited device before moving or slaughter. This ensures the accurate recording of livestock movement and provides crucial data for disease prevention, market access, and overall industry management.

The NLIS scheme for the identification and traceability of livestock in NSW is a vital component of Australia's system. It allows authorities and industry stakeholders to promptly respond to disease outbreaks or other biosecurity threats by accessing ISC's (Integrity Systems Company) NLIS how-to guide for moving or managing livestock.

By adhering to the NLIS requirements in NSW, livestock owners contribute to the overall biosecurity and integrity of the industry. Accredited NLIS tags provide a reliable and standardized means of identification, allowing breeders, buyers, and processors to have confidence in the traceability and quality of the animals they handle.

In addition to NLIS tags, there are other biosecurity measures in place to protect the health and well-being of livestock in NSW. These measures encompass mob-based management, proper handling and recording of livestock movements, and adherence to biosecurity protocols set by the Department of Primary Industries.

It is crucial for livestock owners in NSW to understand their obligations regarding NLIS tags and the movement of their animals. Failure to comply with NLIS requirements can result in penalties and may hinder market access, impacting the livelihoods of farmers and the overall sustainability of the industry.

To ensure proper compliance with NLIS, it is advisable to regularly check for updates and guidance provided by the Department of Primary Industries. Accessing ISC's NLIS how-to guide for moving or managing livestock can also provide valuable information and support for livestock owners in NSW.

In conclusion, NLIS tags in NSW play a crucial role in ensuring the traceability, biosecurity, and overall integrity of the livestock industry. Properly identifying and recording the movement of sheep, goats, and cattle through NLIS-accredited devices and tags is essential for disease prevention, market access, and effective industry management. By adhering to NLIS requirements, livestock owners contribute to the reliability and trustworthiness of the entire industry, safeguarding not only their own livelihoods but also the broader economy and consumer confidence.

About Us

The NLIS Tags NSW program is managed by the Department of Primary Industries in conjunction with industry stakeholders. The program aims to establish a robust system for the identification and tracing of livestock to enhance biosecurity and market access.

Privacy Policy

At NLIS Tags NSW, we take your privacy seriously. We are committed to protecting the personal information collected during the NLIS registration and movement processes. Our privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and store your information in compliance with relevant legislation.

Terms & Conditions

By using NLIS Tags NSW services, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in our agreement. These terms and conditions govern the use of NLIS tags, reporting requirements, and other aspects of the NLIS program.


Our website serves as a central hub for NLIS Tags NSW information and resources. You can access the NLIS database, register for NLIS tags, and find useful information on livestock movement, traceability, and compliance.

Delivery Information

If you are in need of NLIS tags, our delivery information page provides details on how and when your tags will be delivered. We aim to ensure that you receive your tags promptly and in good condition.

Forms & Resources

Our Forms & Resources section provides easy access to all the necessary forms for registering NLIS tags, reporting livestock movements, and applying for NLIS accreditation. Additionally, you will find helpful guides and resources to assist you in complying with NLIS requirements.

On Sale Now!

Check out our current promotions and offers for NLIS tags and related products. Take advantage of discounted prices and special deals that can help you save money on your NLIS compliance efforts.

Tag Offers & Latest News

Stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the NLIS Tags NSW program. Our tag offers and latest news section provides valuable insights into industry trends, regulatory updates, and technological advancements.

Electric Fencing Offers & News

Discover the benefits of electric fencing for livestock management. Our electric fencing offers and news section highlights the latest products, technologies, and best practices for secure and efficient livestock containment.

AgTech & Weighing Offers & News

Take your livestock management to the next level with advanced agricultural technology and weighing systems. Our AgTech & Weighing Offers & News section provides information on the latest innovations and solutions for optimizing livestock operations.

NSW Farms of the Future

Explore the future of farming in New South Wales. Our NSW Farms of the Future section showcases innovative agricultural practices, technologies, and sustainability initiatives that are shaping the future of the industry.

WA TIP Scheme - Save 75c on NLIS EID Tags

Are you a Western Australian farmer? Take advantage of the WA TIP Scheme and save on NLIS Electronic Identification (EID) tags. Learn more about the scheme and how it can benefit your livestock management practices.


The NLIS Tags NSW program is part of Australia's national system for livestock identification and traceability. Find out how NLIS supports Australia's efforts in maintaining a safe and efficient livestock industry.

New Zealand

The benefits of NLIS are not limited to Australia. Discover how New Zealand is implementing its own livestock identification and traceability system based on the NLIS model to improve biosecurity and market access.

South Africa

South Africa is also adopting NLIS to enhance its livestock industry. Learn more about how NLIS is helping South African farmers improve traceability, manage disease outbreaks, and ensure the safety and quality of their products.

North America

Even North America recognizes the value of NLIS in livestock management. Discover how NLIS principles are being implemented in the North American context to improve traceability, enhance biosecurity, and support market access.


Allflex is a leading manufacturer of ear tags and identification solutions for livestock. We partner with Allflex to provide high-quality NLIS tags that meet industry standards and ensure accurate identification and traceability.

GPS Tracking Tags

GPS tracking tags offer advanced capabilities for monitoring and managing livestock movements. Discover how GPS tracking tags can enhance the efficiency and security of your livestock operations, providing real-time location data and insights.


AGRI-ID specializes in livestock identification and management solutions. Our partnership with AGRI-ID allows us to offer a wide range of NLIS tags and related products that comply with industry standards and support effective traceability.


Drovers is a trusted supplier of livestock handling equipment and NLIS tags. Our partnership with Drovers enables us to provide farmers with high-quality NLIS tags and other essential equipment for livestock management and compliance.

Zee Tag

Zee Tag is a leading provider of livestock identification tags. Through our collaboration with Zee Tag, we offer a variety of NLIS tags that are durable, easy to use, and compliant with industry standards.


Y-Tex is a renowned manufacturer of livestock identification tags and insecticidal ear tags. Our partnership with Y-Tex allows us to offer a comprehensive range of NLIS tags and insecticide solutions that ensure both traceability and pest control.


Bayer is a global leader in animal health and agriculture. Our collaboration with Bayer enables us to provide farmers with NLIS tags and other products that contribute to the health, welfare, and productivity of their livestock.

Leader Tags

Leader Tags is a trusted supplier of livestock identification solutions. Through our partnership with Leader Tags, we offer a range of NLIS tags that are reliable, durable, and compliant with industry standards.


Shearwell is a reputable manufacturer of livestock identification and management products. By working with Shearwell, we can provide farmers with NLIS tags that meet their specific requirements for traceability and compliance.


FOFIA is an industry leader in the development of livestock identification technologies. Our partnership with FOFIA allows us to offer NLIS tags that incorporate the latest innovations in identification and traceability.


Enduro is known for its high-quality ear tags and marking systems. Through our collaboration with Enduro, we offer NLIS tags that are designed for durability, legibility, and seamless integration with the NLIS database.

Reading & Weights

Accurate reading and weighing of livestock are crucial for effective traceability. Our NLIS tags are designed to be easily readable and compatible with various reading and weighing systems, ensuring accurate data collection and reporting.


Stockbrands is a trusted supplier of livestock branding and identification products. Our partnership with Stockbrands enables us to provide farmers with NLIS tags that meet branding requirements and assist in visual identification.


TallyTags offers a range of livestock identification solutions, including NLIS tags. Our collaboration with TallyTags allows us to offer farmers cost-effective NLIS tags that comply with industry standards and support accurate tracking of livestock movements.

Ear Marking Pliers

Ear marking pliers are essential tools for visual identification of livestock. We provide a variety of ear marking pliers that meet industry standards and facilitate the proper marking of NLIS tags for easy identification.

NLIS Cattle Tags

NLIS cattle tags are specifically designed for the identification and traceability of cattle. These tags, whether RFID or visually readable, provide a means to track individual animals and ensure compliance with NLIS requirements.

Management Tags

Management tags are used to identify and track livestock within a specific management group or activity. Our range of management tags complies with NLIS standards and facilitates efficient livestock management and reporting.

Insecticide Tags & Wipe

Insecticide tags and wipe solutions help control parasites and pests that affect livestock. We offer NLIS-compliant insecticide tags and wipe products that provide both identification and pest control benefits, contributing to the overall health and well-being of your animals.

Management ID Solutions

Efficient management of livestock requires effective identification solutions. Our management ID solutions, including NLIS tags, help farmers track and monitor individual animals, making management tasks easier and more streamlined.

NLIS Sheep & Goat

The NLIS Tags NSW program extends to the identification and traceability of sheep and goats. Discover how NLIS is helping sheep and goat producers comply with industry standards and enhance the integrity of the livestock supply chain.

Tag Incentive Scheme 2023

The Tag Incentive Scheme 2023 provides financial incentives for sheep and goat producers to adopt NLIS tags. Find out how you can benefit from the scheme and contribute to improved traceability and biosecurity in the sheep and goat industry.

Management Sheep & Goat

Effective management of sheep and goats involves proper identification and record-keeping. Our NLIS tags and management solutions assist farmers in meeting industry requirements and ensuring that their livestock operations are efficient and compliant.

Ear Marking & Tattooing

Ear marking and tattooing are traditional methods of visually identifying livestock. Our NLIS-compliant ear marking and tattooing products help farmers fulfill the requirements for individual animal identification in the NLIS system.

NLIS Identification

Proper identification is the foundation of the NLIS system. Our NLIS tags, whether visual or RFID, are designed to meet industry standards and provide accurate identification of individual animals, facilitating traceability and compliance.

Tattoo Equipment

Tattoo equipment is commonly used for permanent marking of livestock. We offer a range of NLIS-compliant tattoo equipment that enables clear and legible marking of NLIS tags, ensuring accurate identification and traceability.

Tattoo Ink/Paste

High-quality tattoo ink or paste is crucial for clear and durable marking of NLIS tags. Our NLIS-compliant tattoo ink and paste options are specially formulated to provide long-lasting legibility and facilitate easy identification of livestock.

Tissue Sampling & Genomics

Tissue sampling and genomics play a significant role in livestock improvement and disease management. We offer NLIS tags and related products that enable secure and efficient tissue sampling for genetic analysis and disease monitoring.

Animal Tags

Animal tags are essential for the accurate identification and traceability of livestock. Our NLIS tags serve as reliable animal tags, ensuring that each animal can be identified and tracked throughout its life cycle.

Plant & Environment

The NLIS Tags NSW program also recognizes the importance of environmental and plant-related considerations in livestock management. Explore how our NLIS tags and resources can help you maintain a sustainable and environmentally responsible farming operation.


National livestock identification system NLIS

About Us

Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions


Delivery Information

Forms & Resources

On Sale Now!

Tag Offers & Latest News

Electric Fencing Offers & News

AgTech & Weighing Offers & News

NSW Farms of the Future

WA TIP Scheme - Save 75c on NLIS EID Tags


New Zealand

South Africa

North America


GPS Tracking Tags



Zee Tag



Leader Tags




Reading & Weights



Ear Marking Pliers

NLIS Cattle Tags

Management Tags

Insecticide Tags & Wipe

Management ID Solutions

NLIS Sheep & Goat

Tag Incentive Scheme 2023

Management Sheep & Goat

Ear Marking & Tattooing

NLIS Identification

Management Tags

Tattoo Equipment

Tattoo Ink/Paste

Tissue Sampling & Genomics

Animal Tags

Plant & Environment

Asset & Promotional

Pet Microchips

Other Microchips

NLIS cattle

NLIS pigs

NLIS sheep and goats

NLIS requirements for sheep and goats

8 step guide


Guidelines for sellers, shows and slaughter

Goat depot and harvest / rangeland goats


Related sites

Sheep and goats individual electronic identification

Property Identification code

National Livestock Identification System

How does the NLIS work?

Traceability through the supply chain

NLIS Standards

What You'll Need

Need NLIS Technical Support?

Early Warning Status

NLIS updates

Tools & Resources



National livestock identification system NLIS

NLIS cattle

NLIS pigs

NLIS sheep and goats

Sheep and goats individual electronic identification

Property Identification code

NLIS Sheep and goats

NLIS requirements for sheep and goats

8 step guide


Guidelines for sellers, shows and slaughter

Goat depot and harvest / rangeland goats


Related sites

National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)

How does the NLIS work?

Traceability through the supply chain

NLIS Standards

What You'll Need

Need NLIS Technical Support?

Early Warning Status

NLIS updates

Tools & Resources