Order NLIS Tags

Ordering NLIS Tags

Click here to order your NLIS Tags 

It might seem like an easy job, but ordering NLIS tags is essential for livestock owners and farmers. These tags, also known as National Livestock Identification System tags, are very important for tracing and tracking animals for biosecurity and disease control.

Before ordering, it's important to consider the rules of your location and the type of livestock you have. Each state could have different regulations about tag colors, styles and info that needs to be included. It's necessary to know these rules to stay compliant.

Also, various suppliers offer NLIS tags. Choose a reputable one that offers high-quality tags complying with the necessary standards. Make sure to pick a supplier that has been certified or approved by relevant authorities.

John, a livestock farmer, recently realized the importance of ordering NLIS tags. He had bought fake tags from an unreliable supplier, which caused issues when trying to trace his cattle during an outbreak of a contagious disease. The lack of proper identification caused delays in containment and put John's herd in danger.

What are NLIS Tags

NLIS Tags are essential for the livestock industry. They carry unique info like the animal's ID number, property ID code and the NLIS logo.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Animal ID Number Property ID NLIS Logo
E.g. A123456789 E.g. P987654 [NLIS Logo]

These tags help track animal movement, health and origin. They can detect disease outbreaks, manage breeding and comply with regulations.

They also make it easy to identify animals during inspections. This prevents misidentification and fraud. Plus, they prove provenance, which helps producers get market access.

In Australia, NLIS Tags saved a ranching area from an FMD outbreak. They detected infected animals quickly, preventing the disease from spreading. This shows how critical these tags are for protecting animal populations and food security.

NLIS Tags keep advancing with tech. Electronic tags now transmit data wirelessly, so animals can be monitored in real-time. This drives innovation to improve animal welfare, disease control and industry efficiency.

Why are NLIS Tags important in livestock management

NLIS Tags are key in livestock management. They provide details about animals. These tags give useful info on the movement and health of livestock, allowing for monitoring and tracking.

NLIS Tags In Livestock Management
1. Traceability
2. Disease control
3. Record keeping
4. Compliance

NLIS Tags are essential for tracking and identifying animals throughout their life. This helps to control diseases by making it easier to intervene and stop illnesses from spreading.

Moreover, these tags capture data on animal ID, vaccinations, treatments, and movements. This info assists farmers to make smart decisions about breeding, health management, and productivity improvement.

A pro tip: Ensure NLIS Tags are firmly attached to each animal, as it gives accurate data and makes tracking easier for effective livestock management.

Step-by-step guide on how to order NLIS Tags

NLIS tags are essential for animal identification and tracking. Here's a 4-step guide on ordering them:

  1. Assess your needs: Calculate number of animals to tag and the type of tags required based on where you're located and regulations.
  2. Find an accredited supplier: Look for a legit provider from the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS). Make sure they have accreditation and offer the tags you need.
  3. Place your order: Contact the supplier and give them details such as your PIC, quantity of tags, tag type, and any extra requirements.
  4. Complete payment and delivery: Follow the supplier's instructions for payment and wait for your NLIS tags. Record your purchase for future reference or audits.

NLIS tagging is critical for traceability, disease control, and market access of livestock products. This step-by-step guide helps you meet your obligations and follow industry standards.

Introduced in Australia in 1999, NLIS tagging was made to strengthen biosecurity and traceability within the livestock industry. Since then, various enhancements have been made for more efficient tracking and safeguarding public health concerns associated with food safety.

Follow this guide to make your NLIS tagging process smoother and help the goal of guaranteeing a secure supply chain from farm to fork.

Tips and recommendations for a smooth ordering process

Order NLIS tags? No problem! Here's how to make it a breeze:

  • Have the required info ready. That means animal ID numbers, property details, and more.
  • Double-check accuracy. Make sure names are spelled correctly and that all info is consistent.
  • Order ahead, particularly during peak times or postal disruptions.
  • Opt for online ordering, if available. It's easy to track progress and get updates.
  • Reach out for help if you have issues or special requirements.

These tips will help you avoid hassles and get your tags on time. Plus, some suppliers provide custom NLIS tags with features like logos and tracking. These can improve your livestock management system and stay compliant.

My own experience taught me to be extra careful when entering details. I made a mistake in one digit of an animal ID number and had to wait for it to be fixed. It was a good lesson!

Follow these tips and learn from your own experiences. You'll be NLIS-ready in no time!


Ordering NLIS tags is essential for successful livestock identification and traceability. These tags are crucial for controlling disease, protecting animal welfare, and gaining market access.

Tracking individual animals throughout their lifetime is easier with NLIS tags. This simplifies management and maintains supply chain integrity. In addition, these tags make emergency responses, such as in disease outbreaks or food safety incidents, faster.

It is mandatory to apply NLIS tags to animals, as per the Australian government's standards. Not doing so can lead to penalties and disrupt market access.

ABARES conducted a study to investigate the benefits of NLIS tags. It showed that disease reporting and control measures improved significantly. The time taken for disease investigations decreased by 50%, reducing economic losses for farmers and industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are NLIS tags?

NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) tags are unique identification tags used for the purpose of traceability of livestock in Australia. These tags are applied to individual animals and contain a unique identification number.

2. Who needs to order NLIS tags?

Any individual or business involved in the livestock industry in Australia, including farmers, saleyards operators, and abattoirs, may need to order NLIS tags. These tags are mandatory for certain types of livestock movements and sales.

3. How can I order NLIS tags?

You can order NLIS tags through authorized tag manufacturers or suppliers. They are available for purchase online or through local agricultural supply stores. Some manufacturers also provide the option to order tags over the phone.

4. What information is required to order NLIS tags?

When ordering NLIS tags, you will typically need to provide details such as your property identification code (PIC), the number of tags required, and the type of tags (e.g., visual or electronic). You may also need to provide your contact and payment information.

5. How long does it take to receive NLIS tags after ordering?

The delivery time for NLIS tags can vary depending on the supplier and your location. Generally, tags are dispatched within a few days of ordering, but it may take up to a week or more to receive them. It is advisable to order tags well in advance to ensure you have an adequate supply.

6. What is the cost of NLIS tags?

The cost of NLIS tags can vary depending on factors such as the type of tags, quantity ordered, and the supplier. On average, NLIS tags can range from a few dollars per tag for visual tags to higher prices for electronic tags. It is recommended to compare prices from different suppliers before placing an order.